Why you should feel excited about your co-op.

Because we are leading the way in effecting nutritional change at a grass roots level. Our Bronte school organic Vege co-op is pumping with 28 boxes divvyed up last week. We are applying for government grants to establish our educational program and designing new raised herb beds at the school to integrate into a class lesson curriculum.

Organic co-ops:
1/. reduce family expenses,
2/. makes certified organic produce accessible to every family,
3/. connects farmers with consumers,
4/. the produce is fresher as they reduce storage/handling time from the farmer to the table,
5/. the produce is chemical free so it's healthier eliminating up to 64 pesticides and herbicides coating conventionally grown produce sitting on supermarket shelves,
6/. it's seasonal,
7/. it's more convenient as it's ready to be picked up when parents pick their kids up.
8/. it creates a strong, like minded community based at the spiritual centre of every Australian suburb our local schools.